
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Using Dingbat to Create Image

i love music photo none-7.gif

Dingbats fonts are symbols, ornaments, and catoons. Imagemagick  has some unique dingbat fonts which can be used to create banners, tiles, and wallpapers. Here I have used Davy Other Dingbat.
The following image shows the  letters and digits with corresponding characters and symbols of Davy Other Dingbat.
Davy Other Dingbat

This tutorial will teach how these fonts can be used to create a simple banner. 

Transparent Background 
 Use the following instruction to create the background:
Size -520x240.
Meta -none
Click View.

Annonating Dingbat 
Go to Annotate-> Font- >Davy’ Other Dingbats
Fill Color- gray
Point Size-78
Input the following parameters one at  a time
  1. Begin with ‘9’  offset +0+0, gravity –west, click annotate
  2.  Annotate again input ‘5’ , offset  +40+0, gravity –west-> annotate.
  3.  Input ‘)’-press shift and 0, offset -80+0, gravity –center > annotate.
  4.  Input ‘ =’ offset 0+0, gravity –center > annotate
  5.  Input ‘}’ shift and ],  offset  +40+0, gravity –center > annotate
  6.  Input 6, offset  +80+0, gravity –center > annotate
  7.  Input ‘r’ offset  +100+0, gravity –center > annotate
  8. Input’ 7’ offset  +140+0, gravity –center > annotate.
  9. Input ‘4’ offset +200+0, gravity –center > change point size to 64 -> annotate,

 Annotating  Text 
Go to annotate- type in the text box’, choose the font of your choice, and change the point size , fill color,  gravity,  and offset to position the text in the image.

Here I used the font Beffle Regular, point size-45, density -93, offset +0+70 gravity –center.
fill color-  none , stroke color -gray, stroke width-2.

I love music

If you want to glitterize the  whole thing,  find the glitter tile of your choice, go to composite, upload the tile file  –atop/in , click-tile across and down the canvas, now composite. Save the file in gif format. 

I used the following tile 

Here is the final  image 

I love music photo none-8.gif
I Love Music

Another sample of the dingbat

 photo D49663.gif


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